As a homeowner, you understand the importance of maintaining your property (and keeping up with Joneses). Taking care of your driveway usually isn’t first thing on your priority list.

You have probably stared at it year after year wondering if this is the year you should pave it rather than seal it. So how do you know when is the right time to pave it?


If the driveway has areas where the pavement is rutted or severely broken, where the pavement sort of looks like the hide of an alligator – this is when you need to start thinking about new asphalt.


A driveway that has been sealed over the years can also cause this alligatoring effect. The key is to look very closely at the pavement. Alligatoring from sealing over the years has more of a look of cracked glazing on pottery and doesn’t actually crack the pavement underneath, while alligatoring of the pavement will show actual cracks down into the pavement where an object like a butter knife could be inserted. Merely sealing really can’t cure either condition. Sealing is just the “make up” at this point.


We also take a look to look to see if the driveway is draining properly and not allowing drainage towards foundations, doors, or other undesirable places. Significant cracking of the pavement underneath allows water into the base, which in turn accelerates cracking during freeze-thaw times of the year. (Canadians understand that time of year) If I see any of these things, I recommend a new driveway.


Think you are ready to pave? 

Stay safe everyone

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Website design: My awesome wife.

© 2025 Oaktown Paving and Haulage Ltd.
Website design: My awesome wife.